Cara Praktis Membuat Mini Chicken Katsu

Resep Masakan Indonesia Terpopuler

Mini Chicken Katsu. Previous Dinner was Chicken Katsu: For the small bento box my son has, I cut chicken into small pieces so that I can make mini Chicken Katsu. After I deep fry and let it cool down completely. Japanese restaurants' favourite Chicken Katsu recipe at home.

Mini Chicken Katsu Can also be used to make Tonkatsu, just use pork cutlets instead of chicken. Serve with white rice and tonkatsu sauce. Kids Mini Grilled Chicken Katsu with Amai Sauce. Kamu dapat membuat Mini Chicken Katsu menggunakan 5 bahan - bahan dan 5 langkah. Dibawah ini cara untuk membuat Mini Chicken Katsu :

Bahan dan Bumbu Mini Chicken Katsu

  1. Kamu perlu of Dada ayam.
  2. Kamu perlu of Telur.
  3. Ini of Tepung roti.
  4. Kamu perlu of Tepung bumbu crispy.
  5. Siapkan of Susu cair.

Chicken Katsu - Japanese fried chicken cutlet with panko bread crumbs. This recipe yields very crispy chicken and served with homemade Katsu Chicken katsu is served with a tonkatsu or katsu sauce. Nutritional Information, Diet Info and Calories in Kids Mini Chicken Katsu with Amai Sauce from Wagamama. Slice the chicken thickly and place on each plate.

Mini Chicken Katsu langkah demi langkah

  1. Fillet dada ayam sesuai selera. Siapkan telur dan masukkan susu cair, lalu dikocok. Tepung roti dan tepung bumbu disiapkan terpisah..
  2. Dada ayam dimasukkan ke dalam tepung bumbu, setelah itu ke adonan susu dan telur, setelah itu ke tepung roti. Step akan terus begini sampai dada ayam sudah dilumuri semua..
  3. Kalau saya simpan di kulkas dulu kurang lebih 10 menit, biar adonannya nyatu sama dada ayamnya, lalu digoreng di api kecil agar matang sampai ke dalam dan gak gosong di luar aja..
  4. Alhamdulillah, jadiii. Bisa diserve bareng salad, saos, dan lainnya. Sekali lagi, sesuai selera yaa~~.
  5. Oh iya. Karna udah pake tepung bumbu, jadi gak perlu tambahan garam atau lada lagi yaa..

Spoon the Katsu Sauce over the chicken and garnish with Gregg's Sesame Seeds. Serve with rice and Eta Thick & Creamy Mayonnaise on the side. Chicken Katsu is often found on most Japanese, Hawaiian and Korean restaurant menus. These delectable deep fried chicken pieces with a side of dipping sauce We love chicken Katsu served on. Chicken katsu, fried chicken cutlets, are an obsession for chef Roy Choi For Roy Choi, these crispy egg-and-panko-coated chicken cutlets, generally made with pork in Japan, represent something major.