Ini lah Cara Membuat Chicken Katsu Vegetarian

Resep Masakan Indonesia Terpopuler

Chicken Katsu Vegetarian. Vegan katsu curry is an egg-free version of a Japanese dish yasai katsu curry. Panko fried aubergine and sweet potato with a curry sauce, rice and salad. welcome to episode one of 'wok from home'. we asked you guys what you wanted to cook this week and it looks like a lot of you are missing your katsu fix. so, here it is. in all it's glory. chicken. The Japanese word katsu means cutlet in English and refers to meat that's been pounded thin before being cooked.

Chicken Katsu Vegetarian The seasoned chicken is coated with panko breadcrumbs that are so light and crispy when cooked. Make our easy katsu curry with options to adapt the recipe for vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free diets. This vegan katsu curry has pieces of crispy breaded tofu (the non-veggie version usually uses chicken or pork), served atop a fragrant curry sauce. Kamu dapat memasak Chicken Katsu Vegetarian menggunakan 17 bahan - bahan dan 6 langkah. Dibawah ini cara untuk memasak Chicken Katsu Vegetarian :

Bahan dan Bumbu Chicken Katsu Vegetarian

  1. Kamu perlu 1 kg of dada ayam (fillet terlebih dahulu).
  2. Siapkan 150 gr of tepung terigu.
  3. Siapkan secukupnya of Tepung panir/roti.
  4. Siapkan 1 of telur kocok lepas.
  5. Siapkan 4 siung of bawang putih.
  6. Kamu perlu secukupnya of Garam.
  7. Ini secukupnya of Ketumbar bubuk.
  8. Siapkan secukupnya of Lada bubuk.
  9. Siapkan of Penyedap.
  10. Ini secukupnya of Air.
  11. Kamu perlu of Platting (opsional sesuai selera).
  12. Kamu perlu 1 of wortel.
  13. Ini of French fries.
  14. Ini 10 butir of telur puyuh.
  15. Siapkan 5 of kacang panjang.
  16. Siapkan of Saus tomat dan pedas (opsional).
  17. Ini of Mayonaise (opsional).

The breadcrumbs stay crispy on top, and start to soak up the curry from underneath - best of both worlds! Dip the chicken in the egg, then coat in the cornflakes or crumbs. Chicken Katsu (チキンカツ) is chicken fillet breaded with flour, egg, and Japanese panko breadcrumbs, then deep-fried until golden brown. It's the chicken counterpart of Tonkatsu, pork cutlet.

Chicken Katsu Vegetarian step by step

  1. Bersihkan ayam lalu fillet ayam menjadi dua bagian, potong secara fillet sesuai selera.
  2. Haluskan bawang putih, tambahkan garam, ketumbar, lada, penyedap dan air, lalu lumuri daging dengan bumbu secara merata. Jika sudah taruh ayam di dalam kulkas diamkan sekitar 1,5 jam agar bumbu meresap..
  3. Sambil menunggu ayam, kupas wortel dan kacang iris memanjang lalu rebus setengah matang. Bisa juga sambil rebus telur puyuhnya ya. Jika sudah goreng frenchfries dengan api yang kecil agar matang secara merata.
  4. Keluarkan ayam, lumuri dengan tepung terigu, lalu lumuri dengan telur, dan lanjut tepung panir..
  5. Siapkan minyak dan penggorengan. Panaskan minyak yang agak banyak hingga katsu terendam minyak, goreng dengan api yang kecil dan dibolak balik agak matang secara merata dan kulit luar tidak gosong.
  6. Sajikan dengan susunan platting sesuai selera anda. Selamat makan ❤️.

The very best part of eating this chicken cutlet is that you made it yourself. With just a few simple ingredients from your pantry, chicken katsu is something you can accomplish even for a. A more typical Katsudon is served with Tonkatsu (deep-fried pork cutlet). Chicken Katsudon is also a favorite, especially with the children. My mom always make Chicken Katsu with chicken tenders so that's how I make it, but you can use chicken breasts or thighs. "Katsu curry is super-delicious and is one of Japan's most popular dishes.