Cara Membuat Chicken katsu homemade

Resep Masakan Indonesia Terpopuler

Chicken katsu homemade. I even tossed in a homemade. This is my family recipe for Chicken Katsu - Japanese style fried chicken. Can also be used to make Tonkatsu, just use pork cutlets instead of chicken.

Chicken katsu homemade The katsu is at the very basis is chicken cutlet completely covered in flower flour (dust off the excess). This homemade sauce is tangy and delicious. Tonkatsu is often served with shredded cabbage but we like it much better with broccoli slaw or coleslaw. Kamu dapat membuat Chicken katsu homemade menggunakan 6 bahan - bahan dan 4 langkah. Dibawah ini cara untuk memasak Chicken katsu homemade :

Bahan dan Bumbu Chicken katsu homemade

  1. Ini 3 potong of bagian daging ayam/yg sudah difillet.
  2. Siapkan of Sdikit garam&merica.
  3. Ini 3 sendok of tepung marinasi merah.
  4. Kamu perlu 3 sendok of tepung marinasi putih.
  5. Ini 1 butir of telor.
  6. Ini of Minyak goreng.

Chicken Katsu is the crispiest chicken cutlet you can easily make at home! Growing up, whenever we had chicken katsu, tonkatsu, or korokke, we always had the Bulldog brand tonkatsu sauce along with it. I never liked it. *gasp* I know. Enjoy homemade chicken cutlet recipe cooked in the Japanese Katsu Chicken.

Chicken katsu homemade step by step

  1. Bumbui fillet ayam dgn garam dan merica (sdkit aja)tambahkan marinasi merah lalu diamkan/simpan di frezer.
  2. Tuangkan tepung marinasi putih,dan telor yg sudah dikocok kdlm wadah terpisah.
  3. Setelah itu masukan fillet yg sdh di marinasi kdlm kocokan telur,lapisi lg dgn tepung marinasi putih kemudian goreng sampai berubah warna kecoklatan.
  4. Stlh fillet berubah warna kecoklatan,fillet siap di angkat tiriskan kemudian hidangkan dgn saus atau salad sayur..

Chicken Breasts are pounded thin and breaded with panko breadcrumbs for the crispiest chicken ever. Awesome Chicken Katsu is a crispy breaded chicken breast seasoned and dipped in Panko then lightly fried in oil until the crust becomes a golden brown. A light and savory Japanese dish! Chicken katsu (Japanese chicken schnitzel or chicken cutlet) is usually served with the sweet and savory tonkatsu sauce, finely shredded cabbage and cucumbers. You can eat it either with steamed.