Ini lah Cara Memasak Chicken Katsu with Brown Sauce

Resep Masakan Indonesia Terpopuler

Chicken Katsu with Brown Sauce. In Japanese recipes, Katsu is basically a simple dish of breaded and fried meat cutlets. The most popular katsu is tonkatsu, or Japanese fried pork cutlet. For people who prefer chicken, there is chicken katsu or Japanese fried chicken cutlet.

Chicken Katsu with Brown Sauce To prepare it, just mix ketchup, brown sugar, paprika, salt, garlic powder, water, pineapple juice, and some Tabasco sauce. How to make chicken katsu dipping sauce. Tonkatsu sauce, AKA Chicken Katsu sauce is a Japanese-style barbecue sauce. Kamu dapat memasak Chicken Katsu with Brown Sauce menggunakan 15 bahan dan 4 langkah. Di halaman ini cara untuk membuat Chicken Katsu with Brown Sauce :

Bahan dan Bumbu Chicken Katsu with Brown Sauce

  1. Ini 500 gr of fillet dada ayam, iris tipis melebar.
  2. Kamu perlu 1 sachet of susu bubuk.
  3. Kamu perlu 1 sdm of air jeruk nipis.
  4. Siapkan 1 sdt of merica bubuk.
  5. Ini 1 sdt of bawang putih halus.
  6. Siapkan Secukupnya of garam, kaldu bubuk.
  7. Ini of Pelapis:.
  8. Siapkan 1 butir of telur, kocok.
  9. Ini Secukupnya of tepung terigu.
  10. Ini Secukupnya of tepung panir.
  11. Kamu perlu of Brown Sauce:.
  12. Ini of Lihat disini resepnya "brown sauce".
  13. Kamu perlu of Pelengkap:.
  14. Siapkan of Kentang goreng.
  15. Siapkan of Mix vegetable, rebus atau tumis dgn sedikit margarine.

You can easily make this sauce yourself with ingredients that you probably already have on hand - ketchup, butter, Worcestershire Sauce, soy sauce, and a little bit of garlic powder. This is my family recipe for Chicken Katsu - Japanese style fried chicken. Can also be used to make Tonkatsu, just use pork cutlets instead of chicken. Serve with white rice and tonkatsu sauce..

Chicken Katsu with Brown Sauce step by step

  1. Rendaman ayam: Campur susu bubuk dgn sedikit air, tambahkan air jeruk nipis. Biarkan 10 menit..
  2. Siapkan wadah, tuang susu, masukkan bawang putih, merica, garam, kaldu bubuk. Masukkan ke fillet ayam, aduk dan remas2. Biarkan 1 jam atau semalaman lbh baik..
  3. Siapkan bahan pelapis. Balurkan ayam ke tepung lalu celupkan ke kocokan telur, baluri ke tepung panir. Masukkan ke lemari es setidaknya 1 jam sebelum digoreng. Atau bisa disimpan di freezer sbg frozenfood..
  4. Goreng hingga matang kuning kecokelatan. Sajikan dengan pelengkapnya; french fries, tumisan mix vegetable dan brown sauce. Enjooooyy..👌.

Air-fried chicken katsu that is crispy on the outside, tender and juicy on the inside. The sauce is a little bit sweet, a little bit tangy, and complements the chicken perfectly. My favorite way to serve chicken katsu is sliced over short-grain white rice with a drizzle of the tonkatsu sauce. Other popular options include using it in katsu udon (a noodle dish) or in katsu curry with Japanese curry sauce on top of the chicken. To make sauce: Combine all ingredients and bring to a boil.