Resep: Chicken Katsu Curry

Resep Masakan Indonesia Terpopuler

Chicken Katsu Curry. Katsu Curry (カツカレー) is a combination of Japanese Curry and a panko-breaded cutlet. Not a big fan of pork or chicken? Chicken katsu curry is so simple to make at home.

Chicken Katsu Curry Chicken Katsu Curry is succulent and crispy fried chicken coated with panko crumbs on a bed of plain steamed Japanese rice drizzled with delicious Japanese curry. Top tip for making Wagamama chicken katsu curry. Meanwhile, for the katsu curry, sprinkle the flour and breadcrumbs onto separate plates. Kamu dapat membuat Chicken Katsu Curry menggunakan 19 bahan dan 8 langkah. Di halaman ini cara untuk memasak Chicken Katsu Curry :

Bahan dan Bumbu Chicken Katsu Curry

  1. Siapkan 1 of dada ayam fillet.
  2. Siapkan of Garam.
  3. Ini of Merica.
  4. Kamu perlu of Tepung bumbu serba guna.
  5. Siapkan 1 buah of telur.
  6. Kamu perlu of Tepung roti.
  7. Siapkan of Kuah curry.
  8. Kamu perlu 1 buah of bawang merah.
  9. Ini 1 buah of bawang putih.
  10. Siapkan 1 buah of cabe setan.
  11. Siapkan of Garam.
  12. Kamu perlu of Merica.
  13. Kamu perlu of Gula.
  14. Kamu perlu 1 of bumbu indofood kari.
  15. Ini 1 sachet of santan tropicana slim.
  16. Siapkan of Air.
  17. Kamu perlu 1 buah of wortel.
  18. Ini 1 buah of kentang.
  19. Kamu perlu 1 sdm of tepung maizena.

Beat the eggs in a bowl. Dredge the chicken pieces in the flour, then dip in the egg and coat in the breadcrumbs. Katsu curry is just a variation of Japanese curry with a chicken cutlet on top. I have used a store-bought block of Japanese curry roux which is commonly used in Japanese households.

Chicken Katsu Curry step by step

  1. Cuci ayam keudian baluri dengan garam dan merica..
  2. Baluri tepung bumbu, telur, dan tepung roti..
  3. Panaskan minyak. Goreng dengan api kecil. Tiriskan.
  4. Tumis bawang merah, bawang putih, cabe hingga wangi. Kemudian masukan bumbu kari indofood..
  5. Tambahkan air 250ml tunggu hingga mendidih. Masukkan santan bubuk yang sudah dilarutkan dengan air. Sambil terus diaduk..
  6. Tunggu sampi wortel dan kentang agak lembek, tambahkan garam, gula dan merica secukupnya. Cek rasa.
  7. Tambahkan tepung maizena yang telah dilarutkan dengan air. Tunggu sebentar..
  8. Siap dihidangkan..

In recent years, Ireland has become known as a serious food destination but as a nation who also knows how to have a good time we still have a few dirty food. An easy and authentic recipe for Chicken Katsu Curry which you can make at home from scratch. Gizzi's back with a really tasty Japanese curry recipe. So easy to make this mild flavoured dish will impress your friends as well. Curry over rice served with panko breaded chicken and a light salad.