Resep: Chicken Katsu Japanese Curry

Resep Masakan Indonesia Terpopuler

Chicken Katsu Japanese Curry. Today's recipe is a rich and flavorful Japanese katsu curry. Here, crunchy chicken cutlet or pork cutlet is served over rice and smothered in a creamy curry sauce. It is the ultimate comfort dish!

Chicken Katsu Japanese Curry I have used a store-bought block of Japanese curry roux which is commonly used in Japanese households. Chicken Cutlet (Japanese version of chicken schnitzel) brings the Japanese curry up to the next level. One thing that makes chicken katsu curry different to other curries is the breaded and deep fried chicken. Kamu dapat membuat Chicken Katsu Japanese Curry menggunakan 8 bahan - bahan dan 5 langkah. Di halaman ini cara untuk membuat Chicken Katsu Japanese Curry :

Bahan dan Bumbu Chicken Katsu Japanese Curry

  1. Ini 200-300 gram of fillet dada ayam.
  2. Siapkan 1 buah of jeruk nipis.
  3. Ini 5 sdm of tepung terigu.
  4. Ini 1 sdt of garam.
  5. Kamu perlu 1 sdt of kaldu bubuk.
  6. Siapkan 1/2 sdt of merica bubuk.
  7. Siapkan 1 butir of telur.
  8. Ini Secukupnya of tepung roti.

It's no wonder I loved it so much growing up. If chicken schnitzel is your cup of tea, give this katsu recipe a shot. Think of it as a Japanese version of fried chicken with gravy. Coconut milk is the secret of this delicious Japanese curry sauce that turns this already filling dish into the ultimate comfort meal.

Chicken Katsu Japanese Curry step by step

  1. Lumuri dada ayam dengan perasan jeruk nipis hingga rata. Diamkan 10 menit..
  2. Campurkan tepung terigu, garam, kaldu bubuk, dan merica bubuk ke dalam 1 wadah. Aduk hingga rata kemudian masukkan dada ayam. Tepungi hingga rata..
  3. Siapkan wadah lain, masukkan telur dan kocok lepas. Masukkan ayam yang sudah ditepungi ke dalam telur. Balur hingga rata kemudian masukkan ke dalam tepung roti. Bolak balik dada ayam hingga rata..
  4. Panaskan minyak dan goreng dada ayam hingga kuning kecoklatan..
  5. Sajikan dengan japanese curry.

Chicken Katsu Curry is one of the most popular Japanese foods and it's not surprise why! Add chicken broth and bring to a boil. Its heart is Indian spices, which were brought through the spice trade to Britain, where we manufactured our first curry powder; then, back again through trade, they went to Japan, along with the French technique of thickening sauces with a roux (fat and flour) - and the katsu curry was born. In Japanese recipes, Katsu is basically a simple dish of breaded and fried meat cutlets. The most popular katsu is tonkatsu, or Japanese fried pork cutlet.