Cara Memasak Curry Chicken Katsu

Resep Masakan Indonesia Terpopuler

Curry Chicken Katsu. Chicken Katsu Curry is succulent and crispy fried chicken coated with panko crumbs on a bed of plain steamed Japanese rice drizzled with delicious Japanese curry. What better way is there to unwind after a long day than with a flavoursome Japanese katsu curry? Meanwhile, for the katsu curry, sprinkle the flour and breadcrumbs onto separate plates.

Curry Chicken Katsu Katsu Curry (カツカレー) is a combination of Japanese Curry and a panko-breaded cutlet. Not a big fan of pork or chicken? You can also enjoy Katsu Curry with shrimp or fish (See below). Kamu dapat memasak Curry Chicken Katsu menggunakan 12 bahan dan 6 langkah. Di halaman ini cara untuk membuat Curry Chicken Katsu :

Bahan dan Bumbu Curry Chicken Katsu

  1. Kamu perlu 250 gr of dada ayam fillet.
  2. Siapkan 1 of wortel.
  3. Siapkan 1 of kentang.
  4. Ini 1 of brokoli.
  5. Ini 1/2 of bawang bombay.
  6. Ini 1 butir of telur, kocok lepas.
  7. Kamu perlu 3 sdm of terigu.
  8. Ini 3 sdm of tepung panir.
  9. Kamu perlu 1/4 sdt of garam.
  10. Siapkan 1/4 sdt of lada bubuk.
  11. Kamu perlu 1/4 sdt of oregano.
  12. Siapkan 1 ruas of jahe iris tipis.

With the likes of Gizzi Erskine sharing their take on the famous Wagamama katsu chicken curry recipe, it's really taken off over the. Chicken katsu curry is so simple to make at home. We've balanced this recipe's rich sauce and chicken with a fresh and zingy vegetable salad. Katsu curry is just a variation of Japanese curry with a chicken cutlet on top.

Curry Chicken Katsu step by step

  1. Rebus dada fillet hingga matang. Beri irisan jahe saat merebus agar hilang bau amis..
  2. Rebus juga brokoli hingga matang ±5 menit saja. Beri sedikit garam saat merebus agar warna brokoli tetap hijau..
  3. Potong dadu kentang dan wortel, sisihkan..
  4. Tumis bawang bombay hingga layu.lalu masukkan wortel dan kentang. Tumis hingga 1/2 matang. Lalu, masukkan bumbu kari dan beri ±200ml air. Aduk2 hingga mengental. Beri sedikit garam dan gula krn bumbu kari jepang rasanya lebih ringan dr bumbu kari indonesia..
  5. Untuk membuat katsu : celupkan dada rebus dlm telur lalu baluri terigu yg sudah diberi garam, lada dan oregano. Lalu celupkan lagi dlm telur baru baluri dg tepung panir. Goreng hingga coklat keemasan..
  6. Tata dlm piring saji seperti pada gambar. Boleh juga saus kari dituang di atas katsu. Selamat menikmatii.....

I have used a store-bought block of Japanese curry roux which is commonly used in Japanese households. Gizzi's back with a really tasty Japanese curry recipe. So easy to make this mild flavoured dish will impress your friends as well. An easy and authentic recipe for Chicken Katsu Curry which you can make at home from scratch. A quick and easy Chicken Katsu Curry recipe, from our authentic Japanese cuisine collection.