Ini lah Cara Memasak Dalgona

Resep Masakan Indonesia Terpopuler

Dalgona. Dalgona is a vintage filter app. With this app you can take pictures or choose from your gallery and put many amazing effects and different from all you. Dalgona coffee (Korean: 달고나커피) is a beverage made by whipping equal proportions of instant coffee powder, sugar, and hot water until it becomes creamy and then adding it to cold or hot milk.

Dalgona That's where the Dalgona Matcha Latte comes in. Dalgona coffee recipes have recently taken the internet by storm, and inspired people to get creative with their at-home beverages. Забудьте о латте, капучино и рафе. В режиме изоляции неожиданную популярность приобрел дальгона-кофе. Dalgona is a full version program for Iphone that belongs to the category Multimedia, and has been developed by KYUNG MIN KIM. Kamu dapat membuat Dalgona menggunakan 2 bahan - bahan dan 5 langkah. Di halaman ini cara untuk membuat Dalgona :

Bahan dan Bumbu Dalgona

  1. Siapkan 300 gram of gula pasir.
  2. Kamu perlu 15 gram of baking soda (pastikan baking soda masih aktif).

This program is available in Chinese, English, Korean and Japanese. Android. Скачать последнюю версию Dalgona от Photography для Андроид. Dalgona is a vintage filter app. With this app you can take pictures or choose from your gallery and put.

Dalgona step by step

  1. Masak gula dengan teflon menggunakan api kecil hingga gula mencair..
  2. Jika telah mencair, matikan api, langsung masukkan baking soda. Aduk sebentar saja sampai adonan mengembang. Kalau kelamaan nanti gosong. Kalau baking soda tidak aktif nanti ga mengembang..
  3. Jika telah mengembang langsung tuangkan ke dalam loyang yang bersih, biarkan sampai dingin..
  4. Jika telah dingin, potong dengan pisau, lalu simpan di wadah kedap udara..
  5. Bisa disimpan di suhu ruang selama seminggu. Kalau kelamaan gulanya jadi mencair, jadi dalgona jadi agak lengket. Bisa digunakan sesuai selera..

As Vice first reported, videos of Dalgona—a frothy, creamy coffee drink—have been going viral and are Originating in South Korea, Dalgona coffee is made from just three ingredients — instant coffee.