Cara Praktis Membuat Crispy chicken steak with mushroom creamy sauce

Resep Masakan Indonesia Terpopuler

Crispy chicken steak with mushroom creamy sauce. Serve on a platter with the mushroom sauce spooned over I was worried that the chicken wouldn't stay crispy through the cooking process but it came out order fully crispy. The sauce did come out a bit thicker. Every cook needs a good easy creamy mushroom sauce recipe.

Crispy chicken steak with mushroom creamy sauce We have it on chicken and steak, with pasta. A highly versatile creamy Mushroom Sauce for steak, chicken, pork chops and other seared proteins. Luxurious yet incredibly simple to make. Kamu dapat membuat Crispy chicken steak with mushroom creamy sauce menggunakan 14 bahan dan 4 langkah. Dibawah ini cara untuk memasak Crispy chicken steak with mushroom creamy sauce :

Bahan dan Bumbu Crispy chicken steak with mushroom creamy sauce

  1. Kamu perlu of Bahan ayam crispy =.
  2. Siapkan of Tepung sasa original (ikut petunjuk di bungkusan ya).
  3. Kamu perlu 500 gram of Fillet dada / paha ayam.. potong2.
  4. Siapkan of Bahan saos jamur =.
  5. Siapkan secukupnya of Susu UHT.
  6. Ini of Bawang bombay setengah.
  7. Kamu perlu of Jamur kaleng, me = whole mushroom merk ayambrand. Potong tipis2.
  8. Kamu perlu of Royal palmia / butter untuk tumis.
  9. Ini of Minyak goreng untuk tumis bawang (me pake sunflower oil).
  10. Ini of Garam,gula, mrica, sdkit royco ayam, garlic powder (klo gada ya di tambah tumis bawang putih).
  11. Kamu perlu of Maizena + air dkit untuk mengentalkan saus.. kekentalannya sesuai selera ya.
  12. Siapkan of Bahan pelengkap.
  13. Kamu perlu of Kentang goreng.
  14. Kamu perlu of Frozen vegetables.. kalo gk ada bisa pake buncis sama wortel potong panjang trus d rebus.

You'll want to put this creamy Mushroom Sauce on everything! From steak to chicken, porks chops to roasts, smothered omelettes and baked potatoes. Chicken Steak with Easy Mushroom SauceSwati's Kitchen. Grilled NY Strip Steak with Crispy Shallots and Mushroom Marsala SauceFood Done Light.

Crispy chicken steak with mushroom creamy sauce langkah demi langkah

  1. Pertama2 goreng ayamnya dulu ya.. ak suka pake tepung sasa soalnya enak mnrtku drpd tepung lainnya.. buat sesuai petunjuknya ya...
  2. Masak bahan pelengkapnya.. goreng kentang gorengnya.. trus rebus sayurannya...
  3. Skrg kita bkin sausnya ya.. tumis bawang bombay sampe layu pake royal palmia + sdkit minyak.. lalu masukin jamur yg uda di potong tipis2.. oseng2.. masukin susu uht lalu bumbu2nya.. cicipi sesuai selera.. baru kentelin pake maizena yg d campur sdkit air.. klo kekentalan tmbhin susu lagi.. taraa jd deh.
  4. Setelah smua jadi.. baru deh kita susun.. yummmm jadi deh...steak ayam saos jamurnya.. lumayan deh.. kata suamiku enak 😂😂 yuk coba.

Chicken Steak In Pepper Sauce Recipes. Cheap Steak With Mushroom Sauce and Brown RiceFoodista. Crispy beer chicken marinaded in lager and baked to a perfect crispy skin, so juicy and tender biting into them with an incredible garlicky flavour. The added garlic in the lager creates the perfect marinade and flavour combination with the beer. And for extra decadence — a creamy, mushroom.